Figuring out what to do...
Like I said we knew there was something wrong. We all have issues with our memories from time to time. I don't know how many times I've sat something down and then can't remember where I put it, or walk into a room and forget why. Mom's memory trouble went further. My mom didn't have a regular doctor. She went to one of those chains for doctor services. In my area it's known as Patient first. There is nothing wrong with these doctors, but they didn't see her enough, only when she didn't feel good. I forced her to go to an in network doctor connected to the hospitals in our area. This way any doctor could access her files. The doctor gave her a cognitive test with the clock. She asked her to put 4:20 on the clock. Mom drew the clock quickly but started looking at me when she needed help with the rest. I knew better than to give her any real help, but it was my mom. I couldn't leave her hanging. "What about the numbers?" "Oh,...